Originally delivered on 9/1/2023 6:00 am

SUBJECT: OHS Special Flash | Redistricting Update

Special Flash

September 1, 2023


  • Recap of the last Board of Educaton meeting and redistricting scenarios
  • Join the BoE community conversation September 5 at 7:30

Osborn Hill Families,

We hope you and your kids have had a great first week back to school! We want to keep you updated on key highlights of the ongoing redistricting activities. We are sharing a brief summary of the Board of Education meeting from Tuesday, August 29 on redistricting. 

However, for complete information, we continue to strongly encourage you to view the entire BOE meeting.

Key Takeaways from the August 29th meeting

  • SLAM provided a revised/new traditional redistricting scenario for Scenario 4B. In this scenario, there were no changes to the OHS community.

  • However, there was a disconnect between SLAM and BOE on what this scenario was supposed to achieve, and this scenario did not achieve the goals of the Board.

  • SLAM has been charged with revising the scenario under these guidelines, which we will expect to see at one of the two regular BOE meetings on 9/12 or 9/26:
    • prioritizing keeping the racial imbalance below 21%
    • keeping all 11 elementary schools open
    • adding two additional sites for the Early Childhood classrooms, with a potential for one being at Holland Hill
    • contiguous zoning

  • The board had hoped to be farther ahead on implementing a plan that would be effective in the fall of 2024. They discussed potential pathways and risks should they not make this timeline. 
How to Make your Voice Heard
  •  Share your concerns with the BOE: On September 5 at 7:30pm there is a special Board of Ed Community Conversation at Fairfield Ludlowe High School's auditorium. A community conversation is a special meeting in which back-and-forth conversation is allowed with board members and the superintendent. This allows people to publicly ask questions and receive answers on the spot. You can attend in person and also listen or watch the meeting here.

While the PTA, as an organization, cannot take a position on any of the proposed plans, we strongly encourage you to advocate for yourself and your neighbors. We are a strong community and our support for one another is what makes OHS special.  

Again, for comprehensive information, watch the meeting from Tuesday so you know what has been discussed and where the conversation may lead. 

We will continue to summarize key decisions that might impact the OHS community.


Rachel Parrish, PTA President

Melissa Miller, PTA President Elect

Jean Shurman, PTA Board of Ed Rep

Have news to share? Email Jen Braun by 10am Friday
to include in the following Monday's OHS Weekly Flash.

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