Originally delivered on 9/11/2023 8:30 pm

SUBJECT: OHS Special Flash | Redistricting Update

Special Flash

September 11, 2023

Hello OHS community,

We wanted to send another reminder about Tuesday night's Board of Education meeting in which SLAM will be presenting two additional scenarios for the Board's consideration. The slide presentation that SLAM will present has been published on the BOE website and can be viewed here.


While we don't know precisely which streets are part of the redistricting, both scenarios that will be presented will affect Osborn Hill families. 

Scenario 4F
Scenario 4G

We encourage you to stay engaged and have your voice be heard, as final decisions on maps and grandfathering have yet to be made.

You can attend the meeting Tuesday, September 12 in-person at 501 Kings Highway East at 7:30pm and give public comment. Or you can stream the meeting here. The meeting is available via webex, but they will not take public comment by phone. You can also email the Board of Education members with your thoughts here.


Rachel Parrish, PTA President

Melissa Miller, PTA President Elect

Jean Shurman, PTA BOE Rep 

Have news to share? Email Jen Braun by 10am Friday
to include in the following Monday's OHS Weekly Flash.

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