Originally delivered on 1/4/2024 6:00 am

SUBJECT: OHS Special Flash | Variety Show Deadline Friday!

Special Flash

January 4, 2024

There are some important dates coming up for anyone participating in this year's Variety Show:

Last call! Variety Show registration ends on Friday!

Any acts that would like to participate in this year's Variety Show must email ohsvarietyshow2024@gmail.com by Friday to secure your spot. Dancers, musicians, athletes, comedians - all are welcome! Groups should not be larger than 10 students, due to stage space. All members of your group MUST be PTA members (this is for insurance reasons).  

Song selection begins Friday

Starting Friday we will accept song submissions by email.  Please keep in mind we try to not reuse music throughout the program - songs are considered on a first-come, first-serve basis. It would be a good idea to propose a plan B at the same time. Songs will be accepted until February 12. 

Parent Zoom on January 22 at 7:30pm

It's mandatory that one parent from your group attend this Zoom. All information that we need to plan the show will be discussed at this time. If no one from your group can make it, email us to set up a private time to meet with Sarah Fridman or Marissa Jacobson. 

Important Dates going forward

  • Song submission deadline: February 12 - Song submissions and all info discussed on during the Zoom is due.
  • Music Submission deadline: March 4 - This should be a cut of music exactly how you want it for the show. Music should be sent as an MP3 to a Google drive that we will provide. We will also need a group photo holding a sign with the groups name on it.
  • Ticket sales: March 11-13 - This will be rolled out the same way as in years past. Stay tuned to our Weekly Flash for the registration link and details.
  • Artwork due: March 25 - If your child is an artist and would like the opportunity to have their art be the cover of the program for the variety show they can enter a drawing.  
  • Technical rehearsal: April 25, 4:30pm - this is for stage crew, narrators, and 5th grade finale practice
  • Dress rehearsal: April 26, 5pm - timeslots will be assigned closer to this date
  • Showtime: April 27, 11:30am

All of this information can also be found on our website:


Have news to share? Email Jen Braun by 10am Friday
to include in the following Monday's OHS Weekly Flash.

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